My Blog

I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Collecting Ideas from Other Blogs

Blog Reflection

I spent some time looking at my fellow classmates’ blogs and found some interesting and informative posts. I read an article about increasing the use of technology in the classroom by having iPads in the classroom from Kim’s blog. Technology is becoming more prevalent in the classrooms these days, and is very important incorporate into your teachings. I then went over to Laura’s blog and read about using a timer through Google. She was going to use this tool both in her future classroom and also at home as a morning alarm. I thought that was a great idea using it both at home and in the classroom. The next blog that read was from Gaby, she wrote about online quizzes being used in the classroom. She gave some great insights on how she plans on using them in her classroom.

Connection to Teaching

Kids are so tech savvy these days, that it makes sense to have iPads in the classroom. There are some great educational apps out there that will make it easier for some students to learn. I really hope the future school that I teach at supplies a couple of iPads for teachers to use in their classroom. I really do think that they are beneficial for the students. 

 Since I have started my work in my Wikispace, I have researched a lot online tools that you can use that will allow you to create you own quizzes and test. I think using these online tools for creating quizzes are fantastic, I would probably use them as practice tools for my students. This will allow the students to have instant feedback after they have completed the quiz, and it will show what questions they have missed and what they got right. This will help them know what areas they need to increase practice time in. I truly enjoyed getting to read my classmates’ blogs and would love to try some of these ideas in my future classroom.

I have noticed while shadowing in my friend’s classrooms and even my practium teacher’s classroom, that they all use online timers and stopwatches. They usually pull them up on the SMART board, this allows the students to know how much time left on their current activity. I am defiantly going to incorporate online stopwatches and timers in my classroom. I think they are a great and helpful tool, for both the teacher and the students. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Using animated movie technology as a teaching tools.

In this day in age as a teacher you find yourself incorporating more technology into your educational lessons in the classroom. The SMART board is the leading contender for making your job a little easier. I logged onto my Feedly account this afternoon to see what some of my main headlines were for this fine Saturday. A headline that caught my eye was an article from Emgeringedtec, which I follow on my Feedly. This website was called, Tweet Week – Collected Education Technology Tweets for the Week of 01-27-14 (just click on the title and will give you the option to read this article). I thought this article would be a perfect one to share with teachers who love to use educational technology in their classroom and have the access to a SMART board. This website will gave you the access to 13 different websites pertaining to the use of technology in the classroom, it also shared the 3 more related posts at the bottom of the page. Out of the 16 sites that were offered on this article I really like the one called, How Students Can Create Animated Movies to Teach Each Other. I attached the URL that will take to you this blog at the bottom of this post.

I personally thought this blog was a great read and a wonderful teaching tool. The writer of this blog also took the time to describe how you could break your class down into different groups, and do this in your own class. Most kids are pros at using technology and you can probably do this activity with grades 3-6, and definatly for those who are in Junior High and High School. Not only did the author of this blog take the time to break down this idea for anyone to do, but they also attached a Youtube video as a great example. I know that when the time has come and I am finally in a classroom setting, I will be using this idea in my classroom. I am already thinking of all the different lessons that I could use this for, starting with math and reading and going on from there. I hope you find this article and blog as fascinating as I did.

Stop. Look. And Pay Attention. Here's a great teaching technique

Most days I look through my Facebook newsfeed and see the same boring status updates. Yes it's cold, and yes it's going to be that way for a while. I do believe that's how Winter is every year, but today was different. I was scrolling through Facebook bright and early this morning, and I found a post from a fellow teacher that caught my eye. It was a beautiful blog written by a parent who was meeting with their child's teacher about how they were worried about helping their child do their homework, when they themselves did not even know how to do it. Not only did the parent get tutored by their child's teacher, but she also had the opportunity to learn how this teacher was making a difference in the classroom. This teacher was taking the time to ask their students who they wanted to sit by and who they thought deserved to be the citizen of the week. Then she was taking the information she complied and compared it each week she asked this question. She would pay attention to the changes and trying to find out who was being left out and bullied. This teacher is taking the time to make sure all of her students are getting treated equally and is trying to make a difference in her classroom.

I personally think that you can incorporate this idea in your classroom in so many different ways. Instead of asking the class who they want to sit next to, you can ask them who they would want in their reading group. You could pretty much tie this idea into any of the subjects you teach or activities you do inside the classroom. I think this approach will also help you notice if any students are not progressing as fast as other student in certain subjects. If you have your class set up to do work on computers you could have them do and submit the questionnaire over the computer. They could practice their use of technology and you could access them online after the class has left. 

I attached the URL code for this story below. All you have to do is click on, Share This With All The Schools, Please. Once you do, it should give you the option to click on the link, and take you to this wonderful blog. If that does not work I have attached the whole blog at the bottom of the page, so you have an opportunity to read this amazing story, and maybe you to can get inspired and incorporate something like this into your classroom. 

A few weeks ago, I went into Chase’s class for tutoring.
I’d emailed Chase’s teacher one evening and said, “Chase keeps telling me that this stuff you’re sending home is math – but I’m not sure I believe him. Help, please.” She emailed right back and said, “No problem! I can tutor Chase after school anytime.” And I said, “No, not him. Me. He gets it. Help me.” And that’s how I ended up standing at a chalkboard in an empty fifth grade classroom staring at rows of shapes that Chase’s teacher kept referring to as “numbers.”
I stood a little shakily at the chalkboard while Chase’s teacher sat behind me, perched on her desk, using a soothing voice to try to help me understand the “new way we teach long division.”  Luckily for me, I didn’t have to unlearn much because I never really understood the “old way we taught long division.” It took me a solid hour to complete one problem, but l could tell that Chase’s teacher liked me anyway. She used to work with NASA, so obviously we have a whole lot in common.
Afterwards, we sat for a few minutes and talked about teaching children and what a sacred trust and responsibility it is. We agreed that subjects like math and reading are the least important things that are learned in a classroom. We talked about shaping little hearts to become contributors to a larger  community – and we discussed our mutual dream that those communities might be made up of individuals who are Kind and Brave above all.
And then she told me this.
Every Friday afternoon Chase’s teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children with whom they’d like to sit the following week. The children know that these requests may or may not be honored. She also asks the students to nominate one student whom they believe has been an exceptional classroom citizen that week. All ballots are privately submitted to her.
And every single Friday afternoon, after the students go home, Chase’s teacher takes out those slips of paper, places them in front of her and studies them. She looks for patterns.
Who is not getting requested by anyone else?
Who doesn’t even know who to request?
Who never gets noticed enough to be nominated?
Who had a million friends last week and none this week?
You see, Chase’s teacher is not looking for a new seating chart or “exceptional citizens.” Chase’s teacher is looking for lonely children. She’s looking for children who are struggling to connect with other children. She’s identifying the little ones who are falling through the cracks of the class’s social life. She is discovering whose gifts are going unnoticed by their peers. And she’s pinning down- right away- who’s being bullied and who is doing the bullying.
As a teacher, parent, and lover of all children – I think that this is the most brilliant Love Ninja strategy I have ever encountered. It’s like taking an X-ray of a classroom to see beneath the surface of things and into the hearts of students. It is like mining for gold – the gold being those little ones who need a little help – who need adults to step in and TEACH them how to make friends, how to ask others to play, how to join a group, or how to share their gifts with others. And it’s a bully deterrent because every teacher knows that bullying usually happens outside of her eyeshot –  and that often kids being bullied are too intimidated to share. But as she said – the truth comes out on those safe, private, little sheets of paper.
As Chase’s teacher explained this simple, ingenious idea – I stared at her with my mouth hanging open. “How long have you been using this system?” I said.
Ever since Columbine, she said.  Every single Friday afternoon since Columbine.
Good Lord.
This brilliant woman watched Columbine knowing that ALL VIOLENCE BEGINS WITH DISCONNECTION. All outward violence begins as inner loneliness. She watched that tragedy KNOWING that children who aren’t being noticed will eventually resort to being noticed by any means necessary.
And so she decided to start fighting violence early and often, and with the world within her reach. What Chase’s teacher is doing when she sits in her empty classroom studying those lists written with shaky 11 year old hands  - is SAVING LIVES. I am convinced of it. She is saving lives.
And what this mathematician has learned while using this system is something she really already knew: that everything – even love, even belonging – has a pattern to it. And she finds those patterns through those lists – she breaks the codes of disconnection. And then she gets lonely kids the help they need. It’s math to her. It’s MATH.
All is love- even math.  Amazing.
Chase’s teacher retires this year –  after decades of saving lives. What a way to spend a life: looking for patterns of love and loneliness. Stepping in, every single day-  and altering the trajectory of our world.
TEACH ON, WARRIORS. You are the first responders, the front line, the disconnection detectives, and the best and ONLY hope we’ve got for a better world. What you do in those classrooms when no one  is watching-  it’s our best hope.
Teachers- you’ve got a million parents behind you whispering together: “We don’t care about the damn standardized tests. We only care that you teach our children to be Brave and Kind. And we thank you. We thank you for saving lives.”
Love – All of Us