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Friday, April 11, 2014

Classroom Management in a 1:1 Environment

       I decided to write a blog post about Classroom management in a 1:1 environment. I find this topic very interesting, and this is the one topic that I feel like I need to be better informed in. Technology and I have this kind of love/hate relationship, and it is the one thing I need to do more research on. I spent some time doing some extensive research on the topic and I would like to share them with you. The first two links I found are 2 presentations that I found helpful regarding classroom management. The last post is another person’s blog that I came across, and I found it so helpful that I wanted to share it with you. I really wanted to share on my blog a webinar that I watched on Classroom Management in a 1:1 Environment, but unfortunately I could not find any archived or available at the time. 

Classroom Management in a 1:1 Environment (Presentation) 
By: Steve Katz

I really appreciated how Steve said that your curriculum drives the technology that you use in your classroom. It makes using technology and managing it in your classroom seem not so intimidating. One of my favorite parts of the presentation was the slide regarding incorporating the ISTE’s four C’s into your classroom. The four C’s that are mentation are; communication, collaboration, creativity, and community. I think these four things are some of the most important parts that should be found in every teachers classroom. Not only should you use them in your classroom, but you should using these with your fellow teachers. 
Steve also made some great comments in his presentation about using technology with a purpose and not make it sauce up a lesson or as a time filler. I really liked his ideas about what should be done first thing in the morning for your classroom. You should make sure your classroom laptops or tablets, are fully charged and ready to use. You should also manage your classroom and students by walking around and monitoring the work that is being done. I would like to apply information in my classroom to make sure I have proper classroom management.
He also made a great comment by saying just because you have a lap top in your classroom that does not mean it is going to help your classroom management. If you have poor classroom management laptops and iPads are not going to help. You have to be the one to make the changes to your classroom management skills. You need to make sure you have clear expectations for your students to follow, this will help things run smoothly in your classroom. I found this presentation very formal and full helpful information that will help you with your classroom management. 


Coaching Teachers in a 1:1 Environment (Presentation)
By: Stephanie Heitz and Kristina Bloch

It seems to me more and more schools are starting to bring iPads into their classrooms. The schools are either allowing just the teachers to have one, and then the teachers can share them with the student. Some schools even have enough iPads at their school so that either each student has their own use in the classroom, or the teacher can take turn checking out for their students to take turn using. I really liked how this presentation mentioned that if the school is going to have them in the classroom; then the teacher should get them a full year or even two before they place them in the classroom. This way the teacher can become familiar with them and how they want to use them in their classroom. It is also important to have a wide variety of educational Apps for each school subject base.
There was a section in the presentation where it talked about classroom management and trust towards the students was a brilliant idea. I think that allowing the students to use tablets in the classroom helps give the students more responsibility and a sense of importance in the classroom.  You want the students to think that the device is their and they are in charge of taking care of it. The students can also use their device when they have free time to progress with their studies by playing educational games, reading, and watching videos. I think allowing students to have the use of an iPad in the classroom is a great idea, and I hope my future school have them for students to use. 
One of the things that I really appreciated about this presentation are the examples of classroom management they give that you could use in your classroom. A great example was the flipped classroom using math as the school subject. The flipped classroom for math can help explain everything to the student and it helps give them background knowledge. It also helps you as a teacher do things at your own pace, and you can make sure you teach the whole lesson. I just really like the idea  incorporating assignments and lessons onto the iPad.


Classroom Management in a 1:1 Environment (Blog)
By: Robert Schuetz

I am so glad that I found this blog, I found it so helpful! I am one of those people that struggle with understanding technology and would be the kind of person to blame technology for causing problems in my classroom. Robert Schuetz did say that there times where technology does distract and students, but you just have to use good management skills and modify the issue at hand. He also made a great point in his blog when he brought up continuously challenging and engaging the student during your lessons, this will help prevent the students from becoming with the subjects. 
All his suggestions for instructional design within your classroom was very helpful and I would like to apply that into my future classroom. The number one focus for your classroom management should revolve around your students. You want your lesson plans to have an emphasis on your student's learning capabilities. He said you also need to make sure you accommodate all your student’s learning styles and ability levels. As a teacher you need to realize that not all students learn at the same level or rate, you need to take that into account when you are teaching. 
His section on Student Management Strategies was interesting and full of great practices you can use in your classroom. I highly recommend reading Robert’s blog, it is full of advise and practices regarding classroom management, that you could apply into your own classroom. His idea about using a timer to keep your students focused on their task was a great idea. I would like to apply that in my classroom, and just pull up a time on my SMART Board, that way both the students and I would know how much time we have left. When I was a practicum student, my teacher would use timers during multiplication test, it helped motivate the students to meet their goal and pass their test. I recommend that if you are reading this blog you take the time to click on the link above and take a look at Robert's blog. 


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